
UHR Blog

Notion’s scientifically proven STAR® programme improves management effectiveness at The University of Warwick

Notion has partnered with The University of Warwick in a groundbreaking 5-year deal to implement its scientifically proven STAR® Manager programme. Designed to enhance management effectiveness, this initiative aims to equip all 2,500 leaders and managers with coaching skills that drive staff engagement, productivity and a sustainable coaching culture across the university.

Mediation Matters: Building Better Relationships in the University Workspace

Learn how the University of Manchester has established an in-house mediation service to foster a positive workplace culture by addressing conflicts constructively and proactively.

Who will lead successful change in HE?

The current zeitgeist in the UK higher education scene is all about balancing the books and proving your worth. Leaders in the sector are under pressure to show tangible outcomes and navigate mounting financial challenges. There's this ongoing debate about whether a degree is really worth it, especially when tuition fees have been stuck since 2012 while costs keep rising. This article has been written by the team at Gatenby Sanderson ahead of the UHR 2024 Conference.

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