
Conference Pathways

13-15 May

Find Your Perfect Conference Pathway

Helping you make the most of the UHR Conference 2025

With over 50 sessions across three days - including workshops, legal updates and business sessions - there’s something for everyone at the 2025 UHR Online Conference! To help you make the most of your time, our Conference Pathways document highlights sessions we think will be particularly relevant for different roles, including HR Business Partners and Chief People Officers/HR Directors, as well as tailored recommendations for our distinct UHR Member Networks. These are just suggestions to get you started, so be sure to check out the full programme - you won’t want to miss out! We’ve also included a handy session decoder to help you navigate reference numbers with ease. Download your pathway to share with your team and start planning your conference experience!


UHR25 Conference Pathways by Specialism / Role

Role / Specialism

Programme Session Reference No*

Summary of subjects covered


WA1, BA1, WB1, SIG4, BC2

One HEI's AI Journey (WA1), AI in Staff Listening (BA1), AI for Job Evaluation (WB1), AI in Recruitment (SIG4), AI for Employee Experience (BC2)

Digital and Data

BB1, BB4, WC2, WC3

HCMs for Talent (BB1), Embedding Digital Skills (BB4), EDI Data (WC2) , Make Do and Mend (WC3)

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

WA2, WA3, LA1, WB2, WB6, LB3, WC1, WC2, Plenary 5

Inclusive Feedback Loops (WA2), Women's Health Strategies (WA3), Philosophical Beliefs (LA1), Anti-racism Strategy (WB2), Inclusive Communities (WB6), Menopause (LB3), Intersectional Co-Operation (WC1), EDI Data (WC2), Call to Action (Plen5)

Employee Relations

WA4, WA6, Plenary 3, LB1, LB2, Plenary 4, SIG2, SIG3, WC6, LC3

Working with Legal (WA4), Landing New Grading (WA6), Mental Health (Plen3 and Plen 4), Industrial Relations Changes (LB1), Employee Investigations (LB2), Casual Workforce (SIG2), Staff Contracts (SIG3), Compassionate People Practice (WC6), Criminal Allegations (LC3),

Employment Law

WA4, LA1, LA2, LA3, LB1, LB4, SIG2, SIG5, LC1, LC2

Working with Legal (WA4), Philosophical Beliefs (LA1), Employment Rights Bill (LA2 and LC1), Sexual Harassment/Misconduct (LA3, LB4, SIG5 and LC2), Industrial Relations Changes (LB1), Casual Workforce (SIG2)


BA1, BB2, SIG6, WC4, BC2, Plenary 5

AI in Staff Listening (BA1), Reward to Boost Engagement (BB2), Engagement Through Adversity (SIG6), Building Hybrid Culture (WC4), AI for Employee Experience (BC2), Call to Action (Plen5)

Enhancing HR Services

WA1, WA4, BA4, SIG3, WC3, Plenary 5

One HEI's AI Journey (WA1), Working with Legal (WA4), Empowering Communication (BA4), Reviewing Contracts (SIG3), Make Do and Mend (WC3), Call to Action (Plen5)

HR Business Partners

Plenary 1, BA4, LA1, Plenary 2, WB3, WB4, WB5, BB3, SIG2, WC5, BC4

Org Transformation (Plen1), Communicating Change (BA4), Philosophical Beliefs (LA1), Future Sustainability (Plen2), Proactive Financial Management (WB3), Workforce Planning (WB4), Academic Promotions (WB5), Supporting Effective Leaders (BB3), Casual Workforce (SIG2), Academic Workload (WC5), Compassionate People Practice (BC4)

HR Directors / Chief People Officers

Plenary 1, WA1, WA6, LA1, Plenary 2, WB3, BB3, LB1, Plenary 4, SIG5, LC1, Plenary 5

Org Transformation (Plen1), One HEI's AI Journey (WA1), Landing New Grading (WA6), Philosophical Beliefs (LA1) Future Sustainability (Plen2), Proactive Financial Management (WB3), Recruiting/Supporting Effective Leaders (BB3), Industrial Relations (LB1), Mental Health (Plen4), Sexual Misconduct (SIG5), Employment Rights Bill (LC1), Call to Action (Plen 5)

Organisational Development

Plenary 1, WA2, WA5, BA4, WB4, WB6, BB1, BB4, WC4

Org Transformation (Plen1), Inclusive Feedback Loops (WA2), Creative Approaches to Learning (WA5), Communicating Change (BA4), Workforce Planning (WB4), Inclusive Communities (WB6), HCMs for Talent (BB1), Embedding Digital Skills (BB4), Building Hybrid Culture (WC4)


BA2, WB4, WB5, BB3, SIG4

Attracting Global Talent (BA2), Workforce Planning (WB4), Academic Promotions (WB5), Attracting Effective Leaders (BB3), AI in Recruitment (SIG4)


WA6, BA3, WB1, WB5, BB2, SIG1, BC1, BC3

Landing New Grading (WA6), DC Scheme Flexibility (BA3), AI for Job Evaluation (WB1), Academic Promotions (WB5), Reward to Boost Engagement (BB2), Reward and Benefit Impact (SIG1), Modernising Pay Frameworks (BC1), USS Pension (BC3)


WA3, Plenary 3, WB3, LB3, Plenary 4, BC4, WC6

Women's Health Strategy (WA3), Mental Health (Plen3 and Plen4), Proactive Financial Management (WB3), Menopause (LB3), Compassionate People Practice (BC4 & WC6)




UHR25 Conference Pathways by UHR Member Network


UHR Member Network

Programme Session Reference No*

Summary of subjects covered

Career Pathways Network

Plenary 1, WA2, WA5, BA4, WB4, WB5, BB1, SIG2, WC5

Org Transformation (Plen1), Inclusive Feedback Loops (WA2), Creative Approaches to Learning (WA5), Communicating Change (BA4), Workforce Planning (WB4), Academic Promotions (WB5), HCMs for Talent (BB1), Casual Workforce (SIG2), Academic Workload (WC5)

Employee Investigation Network

WA4, LA1, LA3, LB2, LB4, SIG5, WC6, LC2, LC3

Working with Legal (WA4), Philosophical Beliefs (LA1), Sexual Harassment/ Misconduct (LA3, LB4, SIG5 and LC2), Employee Investigations (LB2), Compassionate People Practice (WC6), Criminal Allegations (LC3)

Engagement Group

BA1, Plenary 3, WB3, BB2, Plenary 4, SIG6, WC1, WC4, BC2

AI in Staff Listening (BA1), Proactive Financial Management (WB3), Reward to Boost Engagement (BB2), Engagement through Adversity (SIG6), Staff Networks (WC1), Building Hybrid Culture (WC4), AI for Employee Experience (BC2), Mental

HR Operations Network

WA1, LB1, SIG3, SIG4, WC3, LC1

One HEI’s Journey with AI (WA1), Industrial Relations Changes (LB1), Reviewing Staff Contracts (SIG3), AI in Recruitment (SIG4), Make Do and Mend (WC3), Employment Rights Bill (LC1)

Inclusive Recruitment Network

WA3, BA2, WB2, WB6, SIG4, WC1, WC2, Plenary 5

Women’s Health Strategies (WA3), Attracting Global Talent (BA2), Anti-racism Strategy (WB2), Inclusive University Communities (WB6), AI in Recruitment (SIG4) Intersectional Co-Operation (WC1), EDI Data (WC2), Call to Action (Plen 5)

REF, Research Assessment, Research Culture

BA2, WB5, WB6, WC2, WC5

Attracting Global Talent (BA2), Academic Promotions (WB5), Inclusive University Communities (WB6), EDI Data (WC2), Academic Workload Planning (WC5)

Policy Network

WA4, WA6, BA4, LA1, LA2, LA3, WB2, WB5, WC6, LB1, LB3, LB4, SIG5, LC1, LC2, LC3

Working with Legal (WA4), Landing New Grading (WA6), Communicating Change (BA4), Philosophical Beliefs (LA1), Employment Rights Bill (LA2 and LC1), Sexual Harassment/ Misconduct (LA3, LB4, SIG5 and LC2), Anti-racism Strategy (WB2), Academic Promotions (WB5), Compassionate People Practice (WC6) Industrial Relations Changes (LB1), Menopause (LB3), Criminal Allegations (LC3)

KPI & Data Analytics Forum

WA1, BA1, BB1, BB4, WC2, WC3, BC2

One HEI’s Journey with AI (WA1), AI in Staff Listening (BA1), Talent-Driven University (BB1), Embedding Digital Skills (BB4), EDI Data (WC2), Make Do and Mend (WC3), AI for Employee Experience (BC2)

Ways of Working Group

Plenary 1, WA2, WA5, BA4, Plenary 2, WB4, BB4, WC4, BC4

Org Transformation (Plen1), Inclusive Feedback Loops (WA2), Creative Approaches to Learning (WA5), Communicating Change (BA4), Future Sustainability and Transformation (Plen2), Workforce Planning (WB4), Embedding Digital Skills (BB4), Building Hybrid Culture (WC4), Compassionate People Practice (BC4)


*Decoding our Programme Session Reference Numbers:

         Letter 1 indicates a Workshop, Business Session or Legal Session

         Letter 2 indicates the conference day: A = Day 1 (Tues 13 May), B = Day 2 (Weds 14 May), C = Day 3 (Thurs 15 May)

         The number identifies the specific session within each block

         Special Interest Topic Discussions are given the unique indicator SIG and all take place on Thurs 15 May

So, for example:

          WA1 is the first Workshop session on Day 1

          LB2 is the second Legal session on Day 2

          BC3 is the third Business session on Day 3

          SIG1 is the first Special Interest Topic Discussion (all on Day 3)



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